Holiday safety tips
Brush up on your obedience
We don’t want grandma to be knocked over or have nieces and nephews become chew toys. Review and practice your obedience skills prior to the arrival of guests. Sitting politely for greetings, settling on a mat and leave it will go a long way for keeping your guests safe and comfortable during a party. If your dog hasn’t mastered these skills in distraction, prepare and practice a confinement schedule beforehand. This can be a familiar crate in a quiet part of the house, or a barrier set up to keep your dog safely out of the fray. Provide plenty of toys or delicious chews to keep your dog busy.
Keep up with your dog’s exercise schedule
Regular walks and exercise will keep your pet healthy and alleviate many of the holiday stresses. But be mindful of the cold weather. When the temperatures dip below freezing, keep walks and outdoor time short. A nice fitting coat and boots may be necessary for our short-coated breeds.
Be mindful of hazards
Christmas ornaments, tinsel and decorations can pose potential threats to our furry friends if ingested. Wires and batteries can cause injuries around their mouth or in their digestive tract. Several delicious foods are toxic to our pets such as grapes, garlic, onions, avocado pits, and xylitol (an artificial sweetener). Supervise your pets around these hazards and keep trash in a tightly sealed container somewhere your pet can’t access.
Keep your eye on the door!
Confining your dog to a crate or away from the door may prevent your escape artist from hitting the road. This is particularly important for those hosting a large party or if children are running around the house. Practice confining your dog ahead of time as many dogs used to free run of the house can become anxious when confined. Work on making confinement stress-free and pleasant by providing your dog with her favorite chew or food puzzle.
Supervise all interactions with children
Even if your dog loves children and is comfortable in their presence, never leave them alone together. Children don’t always read a dog’s body language and are likely to do something that could scare or over-excite your dog. Remember that the holidays can be stressful for our dogs with all the distractions, changes in routine and guests in the home. There’s no reason to chance an avoidable accident.
We hope you, your family and your darn good dog have a safe and happy holiday season!